What Makes An A.M Shower An Essential Vice?
As a broad generalization, two main profiles exist as it pertains to those who take showers on a daily basis – people who hit the shower in the morning and those who prefer to cleanse in the evening.
For those that tend to go for the latter option, the main reasons typically relate to feelings of relaxation and hoping to unwind after a long or stressful day. The morning showerers are usually seeking a refreshing boost to awaken the senses, and kick off their day in an invigorating fashion.
But, do the benefits of one shower routine outweigh those associated with the other?
The title of our blog has probably already indicated so, and the rest of this article will cover the numerous health advantages that would appear to set morning showers apart…
1. Improved Skin Condition
From a general perspective, showers are beneficial with regards to skin health. But morning showers are actually considered to be more advantageous.
Indeed, a shower taken early doors is a greater help in combating acne, and also in terms of balancing the natural oils on the skin.
2. Ease Stress And Anxiety
Plenty of people experience the sensation of early-morning stress and anxiety, often linked to the prospect of the multitude of tasks that will populate the day ahead.
A morning shower offers an excellent means to tackle this stress, especially in the case of lukewarm or cold showers, as explained in greater detail on our blog – Cold Shower vs Hot Shower: What Are The Benefits?
Simply put, morning showers guarantee your body receives the oxygen it requires. Sufficient oxygen presence in the brain will help you to de-stress, no matter how busy your day ahead might be.
3. Enhanced Immunity
The immune system can be enhanced by morning showers, which will stimulate the body to produce new white blood cells. These cells are then used to help fight off illness.
Our biological clock represents the reasoning for this process only occurring to a significant extent during morning showers.
4. Cough Relief
As well as improving immunity from sickness to begin with, morning showers also provide a superb vice to relieve any existing colds or coughs.
In such a condition, phlegm and mucus can build up in the throat and chest areas overnight, making for an uncomfortable morning experience battling a sore throat and persistent cough.
With a hot morning shower, the emanating steam will loosen up these unwanted substances and help to clear your sinuses and enable you to feel much more comfortable in very little time.
For the very best effect, indulge in an aromatherapy shower with the use of scented shower gels and eucalyptus oils, accentuated by the full coverage provided by a modern shower system.
5. Boosted Energy
Probably the most simple reason on the list. Morning showers represent a preferable choice for many due to the sense of rejuvenation they provide.
All in all, they deliver the perfect refreshing energy boost to kick start your day, preparing you in earnest for whatever tasks lie ahead.
6. Rids The Body Of Toxins
A multitude of toxins emerge from the skin whilst we sweat during sleeping overnight. And these same toxins can even formulate whilst relaxing in the high temperature surrounds of a home bathtub, for instance.
Morning showers are an ideal vice for washing these away, and therefore ridding the body of toxins.
7. Better Hair & Scalp Condition
By taking regular morning showers, you’ll notice an improvement in the condition of your hair and scalp.
If you are dealing with an extremely oily scalp and hair, even an evening shower will not prevent the areas from remaining oily to some extent by the following morning.
Taking frequent morning showers is an obvious but failsafe method to dodge or curtail this issue.
8. Muscle Ache Relaxation
Any niggling muscle aches or pains can be alleviated greatly by taking a morning shower, ultimately relaxing the body and achieving a comfortable physical state.
Essentially, morning showers can help you feel far less tense from both a mental and physical perspective, providing the perfect foundations to attack the day ahead from your very own shower enclosure.
9. Increased Fertility
It might surprise you to learn that morning showers have been linked to increased fertility levels in the male population.
So if couples are having difficulty conceiving, or even just planning ahead to conceive, it is worth the male indulging in frequent morning showers to garner the potential positive effects.
Again, cold showers can be especially useful in this regard. The cold water can trigger testosterone, and more importantly, research indicates that male sperm production is enhanced dramatically after just a week’s worth of cold morning showers.
Get In Touch With Big Bathroom Shop
To find out more about the benefits of morning showers, or for any further information regarding the showers vs baths debate and much more, consult the full Big Bathroom Shop blog.
Or, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team if you would prefer. You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below, or contact us via Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
John has a background in sports journalism, and lists content writing amongst his primary passions. He provides expert bathroom trends commentary and analysis, as well as offering meticulously researched answers to the most frequently asked bathroom posers.