Whether you scribble stars or draw skulls, find out what your choice of doodle says about your inner thoughts.
How many times in your life have you found yourself doodling on a steamy bathroom mirror? Subconsciously creating the next world-renowned work of art.
Whether it is 12, 103 or 200,394 times, it is an odd act of boredom, cheekiness, or amorousness, we can all say we have done at least once in our lives.
Now more than ever are we having idle moments. The current lockdown situation has given us more time to reflect (and overthink) about life. Isolation daydreaming has got us expressing our subconscious thoughts through subliminal doodling.
We teamed up with graphologist Tracey Trussell to reveal the deeper meanings behind our own and our children’s bathroom doodles.
So, why do we doodle on steamy mirrors?
Picture this – you have just got out the shower and the whole room is steamy.
So much so, that condensation has covered the entire bathroom mirror, then you find yourself drawing a little picture.
It has been revealed that we doodle as a way of relieving, stress boredom and even frustration. It is a way of dealing with life’s pressure’s in a playful manner.
The bathroom is a place where we find ourselves on autopilot. Cleaning, washing and brushing, are activities where our inner dialogue takes precedence and you find yourself thinking of things that have been lingering at the back of your mind.
These underlying thoughts travel down from your brain, to the tip of your fingers and onto a steamed mirror in the form of doodles.
What do our doodles mean?
Our subconscious minds are tricky things and can express themselves in many forms. Let us get a little deeper and translate these bathroom scribbles:
A rainbow is a universal symbol of hope and promise of better times to come.
At present, rainbows drawn by children are being proudly displayed in homes up and down the country in solidarity of our NHS frontline workers during the Coronavirus pandemic.
A rainbow is a child’s subliminal way of saying, ‘we’re here and we are hoping for better days. When things return to normal and we can play out again.’ So, if you find yourself doodling one of these colourful symbols, perhaps you are also waiting for better days to come.
Heart doodlers are said to be the affectionate and caring kind (aww).
The love heart symbolises love, empathy, and innocence.
All things we are missing now more than ever. Leaving a finger-painted heart on the steamy mirror could be your way of showing a loved one you care.
Flowers make a pretty doodle and symbolise friends, relationships, and social lives.
Drawing a flower reveals your more thoughtful nature and wanting to brighten up somebody else’s’ day.
Who wouldn’t want to be greeted by a beautiful flower doodle?
Doodling stars has a deeper meaning; they represent idealism.
Your passive self could be thinking about happier times, with the people you hold dearest.
Smiley faces
Putting finger to steam and drawing a smiley face exposes your fun self.
These types of doodles are a way of expressing your happiness and wanting to pass that sense of joy onto somebody else.
Believe it or not, clouds symbolise escapism, and a person usually draws them in a time of crisis.
You’d have thought something as soft and fluffy as a cloud would have a much happier connotation.
If the doodle is shaded or filled-in, it can also mean that the artist if worried or anxious at that moment.
Messier drawings in general suggest the doodler has a lot of built up tension.
Tracy Trussell
Musical notes
Musical notes have a more positive messaging behind them.
They suggest someone who is creative musically and somebody who is optimistic about the future.
I think it’s safe to say, we all need some musical note doodles right now.
What do you doodle?
The next time you get out the bath or shower to a steamy mirror, watch out for what you doodle, you could learn a lot about yourself!
Rikki has a passion for interior design and an even bigger passion for writing about it. When she isn’t writing about gorgeous bathroom interiors, you’ll find her discovering all of the latest trends.