Bathroom mirrors can steam up quickly as a result of condensation, but some measures can be taken to combat the occurrence. A heated demister pad can be fitted to keep your mirror surface warm and prevent condensation from forming. Or, if you aren’t keen on investing in a new or improved bathroom mirror, you can choose to lace the reflective surface with shaving foam before wiping it clean using a towel, ensuring a fog-free frame for some time.
Another means for wiping down your mirror is to do so with a half-and-half water and vinegar solution. You should pour these contents into a spray bottle and add a couple of drops of washing up liquid then wipe down with a towel or cloth to make the mirror steam-free for a few days. A newspaper can be used as an alternative to guarantee a streak-free finish.
To discover more handy hints and tips on tackling bathroom condensation, take a look at our dedicated blog, How To Deal With Bathroom Condensation.