The Best Ways to Cut Your Energy Costs

Saving a few pounds here and there might not seem like a big deal. That is until those pounds add up to hundreds per year. Therefore, making small changes to how you run your home will cut energy costs and could help save you more than £300 each year. Here’s how…

cut down energy costs

How can we cut down the cost of our energy bills?

  • Wash Clothes at Lower Temperature 
  • Switch Things Off
  • Use Water wisely
  • Turn Down the Thermostat
  • Smart Heating
  • Insulation
  • Reduce Hot Water Usage
  • Seal In Heat

Wash Clothes at a Lower Temperature To Save On Money

wash clothes at a lower temperature

If you’re currently washing your clothes on a 40-degree wash, consider lowering the temp to 30. Not only is this more environmentally friendly but also shaves off around £13 from your annual bill, according to Which.

£13 doesn’t seem a lot but over the years it does add up. Plus, washing just 10 degrees lower has a substantial positive impact on the environment AND detergents such as Persil are more effective on a cooler wash!

Turn Down Your Thermostat to Cut Costs

Turn Down Thermostat

Around half of your energy bill is absorbed by heating and hot water. So why not bring your home temperature down by 1-2 degrees. Turning your heating down by just one degree could save you up to £80 per year!

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have stated that in the winter months our households should be around 18 degrees. This will aid the battle against climate change and is still a comfortable temperature.

Switch Appliances Off at Night

Turn Off Plugs

Think of how many appliances we have in our homes. From TV’s, laptops, kettles and iPads, the list goes on. All those gadgets will draw power even when left on standby. Turning them off by the plug before you go to bed will shave £ off your annual bills and turning off your TV alone could save you up to £24 per year!

Introduce A Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat

What is a smart thermostat?

A smart thermostat is a new way to heat your home. They cleverly connect your heating system to the internet, allowing you to control your home heating whilst you’re on the go via smartphones or tablets.

Smart thermostats make life much easier in terms of monitoring energy usage, all your home info stored in one easy to use app, gives you full control over how much you use and spend per year.

These smart devices also feature multi-room heating control, therefore saving you money by only heating the rooms you are using.

 If used well, you could potentially save up to £75 per year, according to the Energy Saving Trust and cut carbon emissions by 320kg a year!

Use Your Water Wisely

Use water wisely

Main drain reported that every single day more than three billion (that’s three thousand million) litres of perfectly good drinking water is wasted in the UK. With this in mind, we surely should think more about how we can use water more wisely?

How can I save water in my home?

  1. Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors.
  2. Turn off water whilst brushing your teeth.
  3. Take shorter showers.
  4. Cut down on using the washing machine, if there isn’t much to wash up.
  5. Cut down on the number of baths you take – according to nation statistics a five-minute shower uses around forty litres of water, a bath uses double the amount.
  6. When washing vegetables and fruits use a washing bowl and water the plants with the remainder of the water.
  7. Fix leaks or drips.

Reduce Hot Water Usage

Use Less Hot Water

You use energy all year round to heat your water. If you’re a lover of scolding showers, think about lowering the temperature and save some £!

Another way you can save is if you have a hot water tank, use the heating controls to turn your water heating off and on. That way, you’ll only heat the water you need.

If you have a power shower, that distributes extreme water pressure, consider swapping it for an eco-friendly shower head.

Did you know that a power shower can use more water in 5 minutes than a bath?

Insulate Your Home

Insulate Your Home

Insulation is one of the most efficient ways we can save on our energy bills. The energy saving experts have reported that a well-insulated home could save you up to £310 on your annual energy bills. This includes loft and cavity wall insulation.

Why does insulation help save energy?

Insulating your home is a great way to keep your family at a comfortable temperature all year round without any assistance from your home heating. It protects your home against the cold in winter and keeps heat out in the warmer months.

It also helps seal in noise, so those in terraced or semi-detached homes – this one’s for you!

Seal In The Heat

Seal Windows

Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try to heat our homes, some heat still manages to escape! Combat the drafts from window and doors with draft stoppers or special self-adhesive rubber seals.

Insulating your home with these nifty tricks could save you up to £25 off your yearly bill!

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